Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Grammar of Color has Moved

Dear Grammar of Color Readers:

Grammar of Colors has been rebranded and is now called The Syntax of Color.  It has moved to a new website:

The new site is:

Please visit the new site to read frequently posted essays on:

  • Art Materials
  • Pigment Origins and Their History of Use
  • The Science of Color Making
  • Health and Safety
  • How ASTM D01.57 - Artists' Materials Impacts Artists
  • Product Overviews
  • Color Mixing

With much, much more to come...  Please consider subscribing to the Syntax of Color to receive an email when a new essay is posted.

A Brief History

A Brief History of the Origins of The Grammar of Color:

The Grammar of Color was an occasional email newsletter sent out to approximately 850 participants who were interested attending a series of events held at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC called The Artist Roundtable.  The Roundtable was a question and answer event where artist posed questions to a panel of conservators and practicing artists about art materials and techniques. 

The Grammar articles served as Artist Roundtable conversation starters for artists who were interested in the history of artists' materials and the origins of pigments, the people who created them and the stories that relate to how pigments, media and names of things related to art materials came into existence. 

This website was the first Internet version of The Grammar of Color.  This blog started the opportunity to publish electronic versions of Grammar articles, for readers to give some feedback that others can see and to post some ideas that were derived from the research done for Grammar articles.

However, as website tools expanded, this blog had limitations on the type of presentations that could be designed that fit the needs of the Grammar of Color audience.

In an effort to provide better content and a more visually pleasing experience, the Grammar of Color was rebranded and moved to a new website.  The new name is Syntax of Color and the new website address is

Please visit and consider subscribing in order to receive an email that a new essay has been posted on the website.


Michael Skalka